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We are currently accepting applications for:
The Airport Advisory Board is a seven-member board created to advise the city council on policy matters affecting the city’s airport facility. Working in an advisory capacity, the Airport Advisory Board shall work toward the general improvement of the airport and the advancement of the city as an air transportation center. At least four members of the board shall be city residents.
The Board of Adjustment is a five-member board appointed by the City Council. The City Council may appoint four alternate members of the Board of Adjustment who shall serve in the absence of a regular member.
The board is a quasi-judicial system which can make interpretations of the meaning and intent of the Zoning Ordinance; may grant special use permits for conditional uses in a zoning classification or variances to Zoning Ordinance requirements.
The Building Board is a five-member board that addresses issues relative to the International Building Code, provides for the issuance of permits and collection of fees, and regulates activities affecting all building and structures inside the city. Membership is limited to the trade profession.
The Electrical Board is a five-member board that addresses issues relative to the National Electrical Code, provides for the issuance of permits and collection of fees, and the inspection and regulation of the installation of electrical wires and apparatus inside the city. Membership is limited to the trade profession.
The Library Advisory Board is a seven-member board that advises the city council on policy matters concerning the planning, acquisition, operation, and use of library and recommends policies on library programs. At least five members of the board shall be city residents; two members of the Twentieth Century Club shall be appointed by the Club to serve on the board.
The Main Street Advisory Board is a seven-member board created to advise the Stephenville City Council on matters related to the City of Stephenville's Main Street Program. Members of this board must reside in Erath County and at least five members must be residents of Stephenville.
The Mechanical Board is a five-member board that addresses issues relative to the International Mechanical Code, provides for the issuance of permits and collection of fees, and regulates activities affecting heating, ventilating, cooling, refrigeration systems, incinerators, or other miscellaneous heat-producing appliances inside the city. Membership is limited to the trade profession.
The Planning & Zoning Commission is a ten-member board that makes recommendations to the council on comprehensive planning, zoning, subdivision plats, and other related land issues. P&Z meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., Council Chambers, City Hall. All members of the Planning & Zoning Commission shall be qualified voters of the city of Stephenville.
The Plumbing Board is a seven-member board that addresses issues relative to the International Plumbing Code, provides for issuance of permits and collection of fees, and regulates activities affecting the maintenance or use of any plumbing or rain water system or parts thereof inside the city. Membership is limited to the trade profession.
The Stephenville Type B Economic Development Authority (SEDA) was created in 2015 to promote economic growth and development in the city of Stephenville. It is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors that is appointed by the Stephenville City Council, with its day-to-day tasks being carried out through an Executive Director.
The Tourism and Visitors Bureau Advisory Board was created to advise the Stephenville City Council on matters affecting the use and expenditure of Hotel Occupancy Tax funds. All members of the Board must have a vested interest in the attraction of tourism and visitors to the city of Stephenville, and shall consist of one representative from retail, one representative from restaurants, one representative from hotels, and one representative from Tarleton State University; all other members shall be chosen at the discretion of the council.
The Western Heritage Advisory Board is a five-member board, with up to three non-voting, ex-officio members, created to advise the City Council on policy matters affecting the Western Heritage programs and events. The members of the Board appointed by the city shall be residents of Erath County.