Important COVID-19 Vaccine Announcement

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Important COVID-19 Vaccine Announcement

Stephenville Mayor Doug Svien has been asked to announce that Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley and the state are working together to get as many citizens as possible vaccinated against COVID-19.  Anyone in Stephenville who is at most risk of exposure to COVID-19 can register with the Tarrant County Health Department at the link below. At this time, only those in groups 1A and 1B are eligible for the vaccinations. More details about these groups can be reviewed at the link below.

If you do not qualify for one of these two groups, please be patient.  The State will roll out additional groups in the coming weeks and months.  Tarrant County expects regular vaccine shipments going forward.  Once you receive your confirmation of registration, it may be some time before you receive your scheduled appointment time, as this based on the availability of vaccines as well as prioritization policies.  The appointments will be at locations assigned by the Tarrant County Health Department.  The link below will have more information about how the appointments are assigned.

When you attend your appointment, be prepared to stand in line as we are trying to provide vaccine to a large number of individuals. If standing in line for an extended time is not an option for you, please come to the front of the line and let the medical screeners know and they will make accommodations.  Some lines are outside to aid social distancing and further assure client safety. Please dress appropriately.


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