Notice: January 7th through 10th issues with third-party online utility payment portal.

Due to a software update, the City of Stephenville experienced issues with the third-party online utility payment portal from January 7th through January 10th. Rest assured that there was not a security breach, but most auto payments scheduled for Jan 7-10 were not drafted. The issue has been resolved, but we are unable to redraft those accounts set for auto draft. You can still utilize the online payment portal to manually make your utility bill payment.

If no payment was made by Jan 19th, a late notice was sent out to those accounts affected by this issue as an additional means to notify them that a payment has not been made. NO penalty was assessed to these accounts.

If payment is not made before January 28th, the bill dated January 30th will show a previous balance.  If the previous balance is not paid by the auto-draft date, then the total balance due will be drafted on that date.

You can contact Utility Billing directly Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at 254-918-1230. 

We apologize for the inconvenience.