Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Join our fun and spunky Stephenville Parks & Recreation crew at our 2023 Summer Camp!

2023 SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! Please check back in the spring for the 2024 Summer Camp registration information.

Location: 378 W. Long | Stephenville, Texas 76401
Hours of Operation: 7:30 AM (drop-off) - 6:00 PM (pick-up)
Fee: $105/week | there is a $5 discount for each additional child.


  • Campers must have breakfast (if desired) and bring a lunch on the days of attendance. We provide 2 snacks daily - mid-morning and afternoon.
  • We will be taking field trips this summer. Planned field trips are optional and there are additional fees associated with each trip. We will send out the permission slips, information, and cost of trips when decided.
  • There will be NO camp on the days/holidays in which our city facilities are closed.
  • Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM campers will trek to Splashville (weather permitting, of course) for a time only open to them - NO PUBLIC IS ALLOWED IN SPLASHVILLE DURING THIS TIME FRAME. If your camper is not a strong swimmer, they can bring their own coast guard approved personal floatation device. If they don't have one, no worries, Splashville staff will provide your child with an appropriate floatation device to ensure safety and comfort. Please remember to bring dry clothes, a towel, and a water bottle for your child(ren). SPARD provides sunscreen unless the child brings their own.
  • Fun Fridays! Each child must bring $5 to contribute to pizza lunches and snow cones/ice cream as an afternoon snack!
  • Authorized pick-up - only authorized persons on record will be allowed to pick-up enrolled participant. If there is a change in pick-up/drop-off personnel, please contact the SPARD offices. 
  • Discipline - it is important for staff to maintain order to ensure that safety of all participants. There will be no: fighting, dishonesty, abusive/foul language, disrespect to the staff, classmates and/or property.
  • Payment for any of the programs is expected to be paid by Monday morning for the week-of. Payments can be made online at, at the Rec Hall, or over-the-phone. 

Please make sure you inform the coordinator of any special needs, food allergies, necessary actions, or further information of importance pertaining to your child. This will ensure safety and proper care for your child while they are under our direct supervision.