Comprehensive Plan
The Stephenville 2050 Comprehensive Plan was developed by the City of Stephenville with the technical support and design assistance of Lionheart Places. A special thanks goes to the countless citizens, additional staff members and other community leaders for their insight and support during this planning process.
As of August 20, 2024, the City of Stephenville adopted the Stephenville 2050 Comprehensive Plan to address the key challenge of keeping up with housing supply that meets the needs of current and projected long term residents, new families, workforce, and students. Stephenville 2050 is a comprehensive plan that establishes a vision and framework for the future of Stephenville. Created through public dialogue and a deep dive into Stephenville’s history, it reflects the vision and desires of the Stephenville community.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A comprehensive plan is a policy document used by city leaders, developers, business owners, and citizens to make decisions about how a city will grow and develop in the future. Specifically, the plan establishes a vision and goals for the future, develops a future land use and thoroughfare plan map to direct growth, and identifies the actions that need to be taken to implement the city’s vision for the future. This document should be considered a guide, as such, it should be adapted as Stephenville’s needs change over time.