Notice of A Public Meeting - November, 1st, 2022 at 5:30 pm, in the City Hall Council Chambers. Purpose - Approval of agreement to perform legal services to collect delinquent municipal court fees and fines. Click HERE for more information.



       Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the  City of Stephenville will be held on November 1st, 2022 at 5:30 pm in Stephenville Council Chambers in City Hall located at 298 W. Washington, Stephenville, Texas for the purpose of considering and taking action on all matters on the agenda for the meeting, including approval of an agreement with the law firm of Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP as special counsel to perform all legal services necessary to collect delinquent municipal court fees and fines and authorizing the execution of such agreement.

            The agreement to be considered is necessary for the delinquent court fees & fines owed to the City of Stephenville to be collected in the most effective manner.  The City of Stephenville desire that such delinquent court fees and fines be collected as provided in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

            The Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP firm is fully qualified to provide this representation, being the largest collection law firm in the State of Texas, as well as the United States and having been engaged in this specialized legal service for more than 40 years.  In addition, the Linebarger Goggan Blair and Sampson, LLP firm possesses infrastructure and technology, such as call center technology, that the City does not currently possess.

Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP has not previously represented the City of Stephenville in the collection of delinquent municipal court fines and fees.

The specialized legal services required by this agreement cannot be adequately performed by the attorneys and supporting personnel of the City due to the high cost of implementing the appropriate infrastructure and technology and employing sufficient in-house attorneys and staff with the level of experience and competence necessary to perform these activities.

Linebarger will be compensated on a contingent fee basis as provided in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 103.0031.  This Article specifically provides for an additional penalty on delinquent court fines and fees to compensate collection attorneys.  A contract to pay inside or outside attorneys on an hourly basis would represent a significant additional cost to the City. 

Entering into the proposed agreement is in the best interests of the residents of the City of Stephenville because the delinquent taxes will be professionally and competently collected without the additional costs to the City of implementing infrastructure and technology, and employing in-house personnel or paying outside counsel on an hourly fee basis which would otherwise be required.