West Long Street Reconstruction

Construction Update: November 18, 2022
Sewer and water line replacement along West Long Street between Graham Street and Columbia Avenue is scheduled to begin the week of November 28, 2022.
Project Scope
The City of Stephenville will be rebuilding West Long Street between Graham Avenue and Alexander Street.
A brick surface will be restored between Graham Avenue and Race Street, with a concrete base for added support. Asphalt pavement is planned between Race Street and Alexander Road. Concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalks will be installed along both sides of the street. Crosswalks and ADA compliant ramps will also be installed. Driveways will be replaced with concrete within the street right-of-way (ROW).
Aging water and sanitary sewer mains will be replaced. Water service lines will be replaced within the ROW and new meter boxes will be installed. Sewer service lines will be replaced within the ROW and clean outs will be installed. The existing drainage culvert under West Long Street between the Rec Hall and Race Street will also be replaced.
Temporary street closures and restricted driveway access will be necessary, and street parking will be unavailable within the work zone. Detours for the public will be in place, but local access for residents will be a priority.
Water and sewer services will be periodically disrupted as the new lines are installed. To minimize inconvenience, affected residents will typically be given a minimum of 24 hours advance notice when disruptions to water or sewer services are planned. Disruptions for tie-ins will generally be scheduled Monday – Thursday, between 8 am – 5 pm, and may last 6-8 hours for each occurrence.
Jay Mills Contracting, Inc.
November 2022 – August 2024
Public Works Office: 254-918-1292 - pwconstruction@stephenvilletx.gov
Barbara Horton, Assistant Director of Public Works: 254-918-1201 - bhorton@stephenvilletx.gov